Autres publications



• "Optical frequency transfer over submarine fiber links"
C. Clivati et al
Optica, Vol. 5, Issue 8, pp. 893-901 (2018)

• "Geodesy and metrology with a transportable optical clock"
J. Grotti et al
Nature Physics 14, 437-441 (2018)

• "Measuring molecular frequencies in the 1-10  µm range at 11-digits accuracy"
G. Insero et al
Scientific Reports 7, 12780 (2017)

• "A VLBI experiment using a remote atomic clock via a coherent fibre link"
C. Clivati et al
Scientific Reports 7 40992 (2017)

• Brillouin amplification supports 1x10−20 uncertainty in optical frequency transfer over 1400 km of underground fiber"
S. Raupach, A. Koczwara, and G. Grosche
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 92, 021801(R) (24 August 2015)


• “Evaluating the performance of the NPL femtosecond frequency combs: Agreement at the 10−21 level,"

 L. A. M. Johnson, P. Gill and H. S. Margolis, (11 August 2014)


• “ Frequency transfer via a two-way optical phase comparison on a multiplexed fiber network

 C. E. Calosso, E. Bertacco, D. Calonico, C. Clivati, G. A. Costanzo, M. Frittelli, F. Levi, A. Mura, A. Godone
(July 1, 2014)


• Coherent optical frequency transfer at 5 × 10−19 over a doubled 642 km fiber link,"

D. Calonico, E. K. Bertacco, C. E. Calosso, C. Clivati, G. A. Costanzo, M. Fritelli, A. Godone, A. Mura, N. Poli, D. V. Sutyrin, G. Tino, M. E. Zucco, F. Levi,
(April 1, 2014)


• “Optical-Frequency Transfer over a Single-Span 1840 km Fiber Link,”

S. Droste, F. Ozimek, Th. Udem, K. Predehl, T. W. Hänsch, H. Schnatz, G. Grosche, and R. Holzwarth, 
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, L 111, 110801, (12 septembre 2013)


• “Beyond the fundamental noise limit in coherent optical fiber links,

C. E. Calosso, E. Bertacco, D. Calonico, C. Clivati, G. A. Costanzo, M. Frittelli, F. Levi, S. Micalizio, A. Mura, A. Godone1
(May 22, 2014)


• “ A Large Area Fiber Optic Gyroscope on multiplexed fiber network,

 C. Clivati, D. Calonico, G. A. Costanzo, A. Mura, M. Pizzocaro and F. Levi
(January 14, 2013)


• “ Distributed Raman optical amplification in phase coherent transfer of optical frequencies,

C. Clivati, G. Bolognini, D. Calonico, S. Faralli, F. Levi, A. Mura and N. Poli


• “Distributed cavity phase frequency shifts of the caesium fountain PTB-CSF2,”

S. Weyers, V.Gerginov, N. Nemitz, R. LI  and K. Gibble,
Metrologia, 49, 82, (2012)


 • “Brillouin amplification in phase coherent transfer of optical frequencies over 480 km fiber,”

O. Terra, G. Grosche, H. Schnatz,
Opt. Express, 18, 16102-16111, (2010)


• “Phase-Coherent Frequency Comparison of Optical Clocks Using a Telecommunication Fiber Link,”

H. Schnatz et Al, 
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 57, 175-181 (2010)


• “Optical frequency transfer via 146 km fiber link with 10-19 relative accuracy,”

G. Grosche, O. Terra, K. Predehl, R. Holzwarth, B. Lipphardt, F. Vogt, U. Sterr, and H. Schnatz,
Opt. Lett. 34, 2270 (2009)


• "High-stability transfer of an optical frequency over long fiber-optic links,"

P. A. Williams, W. C. Swann, and N. R. Newbury,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 25, 1284 (2008)


• “Remote transfer of ultrastable frequency references via fiber networks,”

Seth M. Foreman, Kevin W. Holman, Darren D. Hudson, David J. Jones, and Jun Ye,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 021101 (2007)


• "Coherent transfer of an optical carrier over 251 km,"

P. A. Williams and W. C. Swann, 
Opt. Lett. 32, 3056 (2007)


• “Comparison between frequency standards in Europe and the USA at the 10-15 uncertainty level,”

A. Bauch, J. Achkar, S. Bize, D. Calonico, R. Dach, R. Hlavać, L. Lorini, T. Parker, G. Petit, D. Piester, K. Szymaniec and P. Uhrich,
Metrologia, 43, 109-120, (2006)


• "Delivering the same optical frequency at two places: accurate cancellation of phase noise introduced by an optical fiber or other time-varying path," 

L. S. Ma, P. Jungner, J. Ye, and J. L. Hall,
Optics letters 19, 1777-1779 (1994)