General assembly T-REFIMEVE 2024
This year, the FIRST-TF research federation (LabEx) and the REFIMEVE research infrastructure are jointly organizing 3 events for the French time-frequency community: their 2 respective general assemblies and a workshop on precision synchronization and networks. More information can be found here.
Registration is free, but mandatory, for members of structures affiliated to FIRST-TF and/or REFIMEVE, and for invited guests on the following link:
First General Assembly of T-REFIMEVE
The General Assembly of T-REFIMEVE took place on June 6, 2023, on the Villetaneuse campus of Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. The day started with the annual meeting of the partner institutions of T-REFIMEVE. This meeting was followed by the General Assembly, which included presentations on the REFIMEVE network and its scientific operations, as well as a poster session accompanied by a buffet.
For more information and to view the presentations, click here
REFIMEVE enters the list of national research infrastructuresREFIMEVE was labeled in 2021 as a new research infrastructure (RI) in the field of material sciences and engineering by the ministry of higher education, research and innovation.
December 2020 - T-REFIMEVE winner of the call PIA 3 Equipements Structurants pour la Recherche (ESR/Equipex)
General Assembly 2020
The sixth general meeting of the REFIMEVE+ project will take place the monday 30 November 2020 from 9am to 6pm. The event will be fully held online.
The registration is free and mandatory. Registrations are online here.
The Refimeve project is extended up to 2024!
The 5th assembly of the REFIMEVE+ Equipex will take place from tuesday 20 at 12am to wednesday 21 November at 12am at FEMTO-ST in Besançon. The inscription is online on the link:
REFIMEVE+'s presentation video clip
2017 General Assembly
The 4th assembly of the REFIMEVE+ Equipex will take place wednesday, the 07 of June 2017 at LP2N in lnstitut d'Optique d'Aquitaine, Talence (Bordeaux). The inscription is common with the General Assembly of the labex FIRST-TF.
This work has been published in Nature Communications on 9th August 2016
11/02/2015 Extension of REFIMEVE’s link to Strasbourg
Members of REFIMEVE+ project are proud to announce that a round-trip link of 1.480km has been set up between the laboratory of LPL in Villetaneuse and the University of Strasbourg. This strategic link will especially be used to realize the first comparisons of ultrastable clocks between SYRTE (Paris Observatory) and PTB (Braunschweig).
26/06/2014 EFTF Award
The REFIMEVE+ team congratulates Anthony BERCY who won for the second consecutive year (a first for the forum), the thesis prize for the best student poster of the conference in the category EFTF Timekeeping, Time and Frequency Transfer, GNSS Applications for his work on the extraction of a metrological signal on an optical fiber link.
You can find a presentation he gave on this subject for the REFIMEVE General Assembly there
02/06/2014 Annual meeting REFIMEVE+
The second meeting of the REFIMEVE+ project will take place on the 2nd of June 2014 at the SYRTE - Observatoire de Paris. Several topics will be discussed such as the projected calendar for the deployment of the network, publications' policy, Paris-Braunschweig's connection... Please Register here
13/01/2014 First visit to Kehl
On the 13th of January 2014, members of the PTB, LNE-SYRTE, RENATER, DI Unistra, ARTE and REFIMEVE + met in Kehl to discuss the setting up of the first connection between two international fibers which will be used to compare atomic clocks between two metrology laboratories LNE-SYRTE (Paris) and PTB (Braunschweig).
The kick-off meeting of the REFIMEVE+ project, (Mefinev+ in English for Metrological Fiber Network with European Vocation +), took place on the 27th and 28th of May 2013 on the campus of the University Paris 13 in Villetaneuse.