General assembly T-REFIMEVE 2024

This year, the FIRST-TF research federation (LabEx) and the REFIMEVE research infrastructure are jointly organizing 3 events for the French time-frequency community: their 2 respective general assemblies and a workshop on precision synchronization and networks.

These events will provide an opportunity for a vast community to get together, exchange scientific ideas and get the latest informations about FIRST-TF and REFIMEVE.

All the events will take place at the Institut Galilée, on the campus of the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord in Villetaneuse.

The dates are as follows

- September 30, 2024 afternoon: lab tour at the Laser Physics Laboratory

- October 1, 2024: General Assembly of FIRST-TF

- October 2, 2024: "Precision synchronization and networks" workshop

- October 3, 2024: General Assembly of REFIMEVE

Registration is free, but mandatory, for members of structures affiliated to FIRST-TF and/or REFIMEVE, and for invited guests on the following link: