Kick-off meeting 2013
The kick-off meeting of the REFIMEVE+ project, (Mefinev + in English Metrological Fiber Network with European Vocation, took place on the 27th and 28th of May 2013 on the campus of the University Paris 13 in Villetaneuse.
It was intended primarily for project partners but also to all academic and industrial stakeholders to better understand the challenges of the transfer of time and frequency and its European ambitions in the fields of metrology and also in other areas of sciences.
Program of presentations and downloadable files
Monday the 27th of May :
10:00 am • Opening speech, J.-L. Salzmann, President of the Paris 13 University
10:20 am • The scientific stakes of MEFINEV+, C. Chardonnet (LPL)
11:00 am • The frequency reference delivered by the SYRTE laboratory, P.-E. Pottie (LNE-SYRTE)
11:30 am • Proceedings of REFIMEVE+, G. Santarelli (LP2N)
2:00 pm • Speech of the ANR (Research National Agency) on their expectations for EQUIPEX projects
2:15 pm • The research interests in the Ile-de-France region for REFIMEVE + project, Mr. Leduc, Director of the Francilien Institute of Cold Atoms M. Leduc, Director of the Francilien Institute of Cold Atoms
3:00 pm • Femtosecond lasers by Menlo Systems, Dr. R. Holzwarth and Dr. I. Kozma
3:30 pm • Needs of partners, financial sources, C. Chardonnet (LPL)
4:45 pm • Clock comparison with optical fiber links in Europe, H. Schnatz (PTB)
5:15 pm • The Pharao-Aces project and the comparison of earth clocks, D. Vallat (CNES)
Tuesday the 28th of May
9:00 am • LIFT: the Italian Time and Frequency Optical Link Project, D. Calonico
9:30 am • IDIL, an industrial partner of the project, P. Le Boudec and T. Allain (IDIL)
10:30 am • Required conditions to get linked to the metrological network: interactions with partners*, C. Chardonnet + N. Quintin (LPL)
11:30 am • The MEFINEV+ website a useful tool for the project, C. Chardonnet + N. Quintin (LPL)
11:50 am • Closing speech, C. Chardonnet (LPL)
Brochure of the event (in French)